Wednesday, August 31, 2011

#2 – Wednesday: Let’s Get Started

Yesterday was what is called a preview.  I wrote a really short post just to let you know that I was back and to (hopefully) make you want a little more.  If it didn’t work, then I guess you wouldn’t be here reading this right now would you?

So now that I’ve explained the finer points of psychology, let’s get started.  I’m kicking myself (not literally, that would be weird) right now because I’m probably going to be up for another hour, and I have to get up at six tomorrow for (gag) the first full day of high school.  And now, instead of last year’s thirty foot walks, I now have to walk about a mile between each class.  Small problem: I run a mile in seven minutes.  We only get five.  Result: I will probably have a couple detentions by the end of the semester, or I’ll magically gain some amazing powerwalking ability overnight.  Yeah… I’m going with Option A too…

It’s not all bad though, my AP Gov (that’s ‘government’ for those abbreviationally challenged) class has almost everyone I know in it.  Seriously, this is going to be an awesome class.  And it’s the only one I have all year, which makes it better.  Geometry looks kind of fun too, even though it’s math.  Spanish will probably be even more aggravating than last year.  As for Computer Art, I hope the walk is worth it.


Easily my favorite song from A Thousand Suns (though Catalyst, Waiting for the End, and Burning in the Skies come close), the first part is a prelude that takes the form of a Martin Luther King Jr. speech.  Then, after a minute or so, it fades away into Iridescent, which basically gave me a few new rules to live life by.  Enjoy, and see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

#1 – Tuesday: Welcome Back to Internet Junk

… … … … is this thing on?  It’s been a while.  In fact, it’s been one more day than I planned.  Hurricane Irene knocked out the electricity on my street from seven o’clock Saturday night to today at around five thirty in the afternoon.  I was actually a little disappointed last night… but I’m back now and everything is once again as it should be.  I, every night, write a blog that no one reads, and then post it on Facebook just to prove how geeky I really am on the inside.  It’s not like you wouldn’t know that already… but that’s just for the benefit of any newcomers who found this little corner of cyberspace by accident.  So, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get started.  August was an eventful month; ironically it was the month I took off.  In the next paragraph I’ll try and make up for that.

So, a few important things happened last (actually, still this) month.  I went to Mexico and (hopefully) rediscovered the non-awkward person I used to be.  Unfortunately, that was when I was five.  So if I start talking in monosyllabic sentences… there’s a reason.  I also started listening to Linkin Park, who will be appearing a lot on here (there, in the back row, don’t cringe.  I can see you.).  In the rest of the world a new zealot decided to run for President.  A dictator apparently turned to sand.  And there’s a new Lil Wayne album… which may or may not be the apocalypse coming early.  Welcome back people, to Internet Junk.