I think I might be getting the hang of this again. Or at least I remembered to do it tonight. Though I can see what will happen if I don’t budget my time in the future; this is going to use up a good twenty minutes every night. Oh well… it’s still kind of fun to vent every thought you don’t mind sharing on the Internet where anyone can see it.
Or at least I think it is.
Let’s start today in Spanish… or what was actually Spanish Part I. We watched a video for and hour. That’s an improvement over how it’s been for the last two weeks. This class might not actually be that bad after all.
Then in Physics we have a test, so all is silent and still. I know I messed up at least one question, but I still think I did reasonably well. Though apparently all tests from now on will be hell… so I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts.
Now Gov was the interesting part of the day. Our sub was either having a really bad day or he’s just one of those people in a perpetual mood of annoyance. He let us talk for five minutes, and then reprimanded us for talking for five minutes, then let us work in groups (also known as talk) for the rest of the class. It was interesting.
Health was average, again, as usual. I think I actually prefer Gym.
English was actually not as awesome as usual. I didn’t do the greatest job on the Les Misérables quiz, and the pronouns kind of escaped me today. Or maybe it was just the lead up for Spanish Part Dos.
Since I have an orthodontist appointment tomorrow (which incidentally means I’ll probably be in pain for the rest of the week), I miss Spanish. And of course, the one day I miss Spanish, we have to do a composition. So while everyone was going home I went over to 157 and sat down for another eighty minutes of writing a five-paragraph essay in pure Español. It ended pretty well though… or at least I didn’t fail miserably like I thought I would. And there was almost no homework to worry about tonight, so that’s a plus too.
At least, I hope I wasn’t. Goodnight.