Monday, February 6, 2012

#1 – Monday: Historia Calamitatum

If you’re wondering where that title comes from… well I’ll get there, eventually.  First thing’s first though, welcome back to Internet Junk.  And actually, that’s as much for you as it is for me.  It’s my hope that I might be able to budget my time better this semester… so maybe I’ll be back every night like those good old times back in freshman year.  Don’t count on it though; this is just a test.  But it feels good, and who knows?

So how does this go again?  Right… I outline my day. I’m a little rusty, so forgive me if this is long, rambly, or really boring.  I know it’ll probably be all three.  So… Spanish wasn’t as bad as usual, I usually don’t mind when we get to waste a half-hour in a group brainstorming.  The rest was then filled with a video and mostly just talking… so I escaped that infierno alive for another day.

Now after Spanish my day suddenly becomes great.  Physics… I don’t care what we’re doing.  I don’t care that it’s two hours long.  The teacher is awesome and I really wouldn’t mind just sitting in there and doing labs all day.  I think I found that one area of science that I really like.

Then comes the shortened forty minutes of Gov… where we almost never get anything done.  And since I’m writing a bit more than I expected, I’ll skip ahead a bit.  Health was meh, as usual.  I almost fixed a computer but fell a bit short; that was the highlight.  Then English was great as usual, even though the grammar makes me feel like I’m back in fifth grade.  Note: being a writer doesn’t mean you’re good with grammar.

Now back to that confusing title.  If you googled it by now, Historia Calamitatum is the name of an old French autobiography.  That’s not what I’m referring to.  This is what I’m referring to:


Everyone has an anthem song.  This is not mine.  But everyone also has a rage song, or at least that’s what I call it.  Whenever I get really angry about something, so angry that I feel like punching a wall no matter how badly it hurts, I turn this song on.  That opening guitar cuts straight through everything, and by the end I’m usually a bit more relaxed than when I started.

So for today it’s the title, and yes there’s something hidden deep inside there.  I doubt anyone will be able to guess what exactly that thing is though.  And so, for tonight, I say goodnight.  And I hope I’ll see you all again tomorrow… or at least the one or two of you that ever read this piece of Junk in the first place.

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