Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday: So Much To Say…

…so little time!  Ah, I remember this wonderful, wonderful feeling.  Twenty minutes or so to post something that won’t make any of your brains explode from boredom.  Hey, I can do that!

So, what happened today?  Spanish is becoming (who am I kidding, has become) a second bedroom.  Honestly, I can’t keep my eyes open in there.  Every word is torture.  Although today we had to write five-week diets (yes, diets), for a person trying to lose weight.  One of my friends in my group decided to call it “Project: Lose an Olsen Twin.”

I’m not sure if the teacher liked it all that much…

Moving on, Physics got even more interesting today with the entrance of a member of the rare species known as “high school assistant principal.”  My teacher made a mistake of not writing something on the board that he probably should have written, but he somehow managed to lighten the blow by having our assistant principal tell a story about projectile-pooping buffalo.

Yes, you read that right.  It was pretty entertaining.  What was even more entertaining?  Trying to figure out the physics behind it.

In Government we were told that we had T – 24 hours until Mock Trial… so I spent all of Gym planning for my argument.  I get to be defense attorney in a murder case, but not a typical murder case.  I also get to cross-examine witnesses, which is the part I’m REALLY looking forward too.  That’s where all of the traps are set, or at least that’s how it works on Law & Order.

In other news, I have another big responsibility for next year.  I am now Editor-in-Chief for our school newspaper.  Yeah, it was a surprise to me too.  But a really, really nice one.


This song seems to keep playing in my head for some reason; every time something good happens it’s like that band in my head strikes up the opening guitar riff.  Maybe it’s my victory song; the lyrics certainly make sense for that.

Anyway, adios amigos.  The world is warm, the sun is shining, I only have four days of Spanish left.  Happy summer days are ahead!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday: Under the Lights

Tonight was a fun night.  Well, the single event that occurred tonight was a fun one.  The awards ceremony up at school had a couple welcome surprises.  For one, the auditorium was actually cold.  This is the same auditorium that usually feels like the Sahara in August.  And even wearing a suit, I didn’t feel hot.  That in itself is incredible.

And second?  There came a nice moment of synergy when they handed out the awards for the school’s government classes, and I got to stand next to my good buddy (as he calls it) Anthony and take a couple pictures.  He said poetic.  I say… well… destined?  We’re complete political opposites who both love arguing about government… so you can imagine how a debate between us turns out.  (Hint: we’ve hit the 500 comment mark on Facebook more than once.  I think once we might have even hit 800.)  But he deserved it, (no word on me… not sure if I deserve half of the compliments people give me… but I still accept them), and we got to stand up there shoulder to shoulder just like back in 5th grade and 8th grade and all of those other grades in between.

Other than that… well… today was pretty uneventful.  I almost fell asleep several times in Spanish, until my teacher asked us if anyone knew about the Barnes Museum that just opened in Philly.  Since apparently I am the only one in that room who goes to art museums… I got to give a quick little monologue about how awesome all of the art and all of the metal doohickeys are.  And yes, there is no other word to describe them.  Doohickey pretty much sums it up.


And now I get to look forward to Mock Trial, which is the only semi-fun part of the school year left before Finals.  I got voted defense attorney for my class (because apparently I’ve achieved the coveted rank of being popular among honors kids… wahoo), so thanks for that one guys.  Now just to destroy everyone else with my trusty assistant (whom I still have not chosen…) and the school year will be officially complete in my book.

Adios, mis amigos.  Hasta maƱana.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday: Back on Track

It feels good to be back, it honestly does.  It’s been at least nine months since I actually sat down and cared about this; those few posts in February were more like a half-hearted attempt to revitalize something that wasn’t ready to come back.  But now I’m ready and it’s time to return to my old post of boring you to death with type.

Now where should we start?  School seems boring, but at least today it makes for the best backstory.  Spanish was annoying, as always.  I might have actually fallen asleep this time; I’m really not sure.  I probably have at one time or another, without even actually realizing it.  We got back a couple papers.  I looked at some corrections.  And I was reintroduced to what might be the worst grading system ever invented.  Anything else new?

I thought not.

But then things livened up after that.  In Physics we got to watch the teacher shock himself with a Tesla Coil.  Several times.  It was incredibly fun to watch for something that… well… probably shouldn’t be all that fun to watch.  Electricity is fun until you have to attack it with math.  At that point all you’ll want to do is take handfuls of fire and smite whatever lowly piece of paper is forcing you to add those ever-so-annoying vectors.

Then came the forty minute block of AP Gov, where all we’ve done for the last several days is watch Air Force One in forty minute increments.  We’re almost done by now; we left off right before the ending.

I hate it when that happens.

Then came Gym.  Eighty minutes of sweat in a ninety-three degree echo chamber better known as the Auxiliary Gym.  At least we had the option to sit around and do nothing.

I, being the idiot that I am, didn’t take that option.  I decided that playing basketball sounded like a good idea.  Moving on….

Things actually got interesting in English.  We read a story from Greek mythology about this guy named Prometheus (no, not the movie.  Though that does look good).  I already knew the story, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun to read about the guy who gave humans fire and intelligence.  And then we read about Pandora’s Box, and about how Zeus created a woman with inherent curiosity to unleash war, famine, and hatred upon the world.

But she released the angel of hope too.  We can’t forget that.

Oddly enough, I started writing a new story last night.  The title?  “Pandora’s Box.”  Interesting (and somewhat creepy) coincidence.



Here you go, two versions of the same awesome song.  One is the original.  One is by my awesome girlfriend.

How’s that for an incredibly long post (compared to what I usually do), written in a little under twenty minutes?  I’m not completely back; this is nowhere near my best work… but I’m close.  And it feels good.

Until tomorrow, adios.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday: Semper Fi

Oh hey, look what I found!  It's been a while since I've seen this place, but there's something familiar about it.  Hmm... oh yeah, it's all coming back to me now.  Blogging, what fun.  Every night, wasting some time to tell the world stuff that they never wanted to hear.  Oh joy.

...After all, there is a reason that this is called Internet Junk.

But hey, if you're here reading this... well option one says you must be crazy.  I haven't posted this link anywhere in almost a year, so that means you bookmarked it and have been following religiously ever since.  Well, I must say, I'm flattered you love me so much.  But at this point that might be considered borderline-stalkerish.

Though, seeing as I haven't posted so much as a digit of binary on here since February, you must be going through a bit of Internet Junk-withdrawal.  And after all, it would be my civic duty to cure you wouldn't it?

Or, option two, you're Anthony.  (Hey buddy, I'm back!)

But hey, whoever you might be, I don't mind.  I know my last two attempts to revitalize this aging hunk of Internet Junk have failed miserably, the last one so much so that I never even signed off... but with the summer ahead of me maybe I can get back on track.  We'll call this post #1, hopefully the first of many to come.

And I'm rhyming... that's never a good sign.  I guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow night for the first real post, but I haven't forgotten my old sign off.


Alright my friends.  Welcome, once again, to the show that (hopefully) never ends.  (Oh wahoo... more rhyming.  I must be more tired than I'd thought...)  Sayonara.