It feels good to be back, it honestly does. It’s been at least nine months since I actually sat down and cared about this; those few posts in February were more like a half-hearted attempt to revitalize something that wasn’t ready to come back. But now I’m ready and it’s time to return to my old post of boring you to death with type.
Now where should we start? School seems boring, but at least today it makes for the best backstory. Spanish was annoying, as always. I might have actually fallen asleep this time; I’m really not sure. I probably have at one time or another, without even actually realizing it. We got back a couple papers. I looked at some corrections. And I was reintroduced to what might be the worst grading system ever invented. Anything else new?
I thought not.
But then things livened up after that. In Physics we got to watch the teacher shock himself with a Tesla Coil. Several times. It was incredibly fun to watch for something that… well… probably shouldn’t be all that fun to watch. Electricity is fun until you have to attack it with math. At that point all you’ll want to do is take handfuls of fire and smite whatever lowly piece of paper is forcing you to add those ever-so-annoying vectors.
Then came the forty minute block of AP Gov, where all we’ve done for the last several days is watch Air Force One in forty minute increments. We’re almost done by now; we left off right before the ending.
I hate it when that happens.
Then came Gym. Eighty minutes of sweat in a ninety-three degree echo chamber better known as the Auxiliary Gym. At least we had the option to sit around and do nothing.
I, being the idiot that I am, didn’t take that option. I decided that playing basketball sounded like a good idea. Moving on….
Things actually got interesting in English. We read a story from Greek mythology about this guy named Prometheus (no, not the movie. Though that does look good). I already knew the story, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun to read about the guy who gave humans fire and intelligence. And then we read about Pandora’s Box, and about how Zeus created a woman with inherent curiosity to unleash war, famine, and hatred upon the world.
But she released the angel of hope too. We can’t forget that.
Oddly enough, I started writing a new story last night. The title? “Pandora’s Box.” Interesting (and somewhat creepy) coincidence.
Here you go, two versions of the same awesome song. One is the original. One is by my awesome girlfriend.
How’s that for an incredibly long post (compared to what I usually do), written in a little under twenty minutes? I’m not completely back; this is nowhere near my best work… but I’m close. And it feels good.
Until tomorrow, adios.
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