Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday: Important Differences

I’ll officially open up on Monday I guess, when I finally get every aesthetic and performance detail down in the myriad of settings.  God it’s been so long since I used Blogger for anything, you’d think having three previous blogs would have helped but then again they only had a combined 38 posts, so I’m pretty much back to Square One when it comes to mixing and matching.  But at least I can definitely iron out the posting details with Windows Live and everything… but I realize no one wants to hear about this so I’ll move on.

If you plan on reading this in the future, and I really don’t blame you if you don’t, you have to know the two basic differences.  The first is the basic difference between a geek and nerd.  I will often reference myself as a “geek”.  I will NEVER reference myself as a “nerd”.  The difference: geeks possess social skills, and have at least a few friends.  Nerds… well nerds are generally completely absorbed in whatever their latest obsession is and pretty much lack any type of social skills.  And I DO have social skills, even though many of my friends would disagree.

The other basic difference is between dumb and stupid.  And yes, they mean two completely different things.  (You notice these as a writer).  Now dumb is, for example, SpongeBob.  SpongeBob infuriates others without realizing it and without actually trying, and is actually one of the most lovable characters ever.  Stupid on the other hand is (since I seem to be going with SpongeBob references and pretty much everyone understands them) Mr. Krabs.  He knows it’s a bad idea to overcharge for everything, yet he does it anyway.  If it weren’t a cartoon, he would go out of business instantly.  In a nutshell, Dumb is not knowing, Stupid is knowing and still doing.

Don’t worry, I’m almost done.  I usually have a lot of free time so I like to trawl the web for anything interesting.  If I find anything worthy of sharing, it’ll be at the bottom of the post, looking like this:

HOT LINK:!5797756/an-essay-about-osama-bin-ladens-death-constructed-entirely-out-of-athletes-tweets

See, there.  And what do you know, I think I’ll call them hot links.  And this is a real one.  And it’s pretty funny, not to mention creative.  Enjoy, and peace.

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