Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday: Now Movies…

Alright, as today was also pretty boring (other than me getting my second ever paycheck), and because I am still laughing at the future link at the bottom of this page and can’t think of anything else… I’ll put together a list of movies you should watch sometime in the near future.

#1 – The Social Network:  Now, I’m completely serious when I say this… BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE TODAY, and I mean even something as simple as grabbing a bag of chips, GO AND FIND THIS MOVIE!  I don’t care where you get it, I don’t care if it costs you a hundred dollars, it is completely worth it.  Not only does it manage to make two (not one, but TWO) lawsuits actually interesting, it gives you the (almost) true story how the greatest social movement (or something like that) of our time was created.

#2 – State of Play:  This is relatively easy to find on either Netflix or movie channels, or even if you want to pay the five bucks to rent it from your local rundown movie rental store.  Russell Crowe is amazing in everything he does. (A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator, et cetera, et cetera.).  I’m serious, he’s a god among men.  And then combine that with Helen Mirren, the BEST older lady actress in existence (sorry Betty White), you have an entertaining thriller about a DC journalist, a politician, a sex scandal, and more twists than a cinnamon stick… yeah.  Don’t listen to me.  Just watch it yourself.

#3 – Inception: Wait… hold on a second.  I haven’t seen this one yet.  But don’t go by me… just watch it.

#4 – National Treasure:  This is one of the greatest treasure movies ever.  And yes, I typed that with a straight face.  Maybe the only one better is Raiders of the Lost Ark… and hey every twenty years you can have another good one come along right?  But not only is it entertaining, it is also funny as hell with an unusually mellow Nicolas Cage, a hilarious sidekick in Justin Bartha (think Hangover), and a really hot (yet surprisingly good) historian in Diane Kruger.  Also, Jon Voight, Harvey Keitel, and Sean Bean (a la Lord of the Rings)… just go buy it!  It’s 2004, shouldn’t cost you more than five bucks.  Even cheaper if you find someone lifeless enough to bootleg it.

And there is my terrifically terrible list of movies you should watch sometime in the near future.  And really, don’t blame me.  It’s the equivalent of a summer Sunday… there is nothing else to write about!

HOT LINK:,28804,2066367_2066584_2066602,00.html

This is just to funny to leave on the unvisited wasteland that is the Time website (as shown by the millions of comments).


They also say you never forget a first love… well this song made me love music.  And this being Memorial Day weekend, it does have some special significance.  Listen to it and think about ten years back… it will dawn on you.  ¡Feliz domingo!

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