Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday: Blending Days

I swear, once the school year runs into April, I mix up my days at least once a week.  For about an hour today was Tuesday, and then for the rest of the day it was Thursday.  It’s not remarkable, but extremely annoying.

(SPOILER ALERT!)  As you know, most television series are wrapping up this week and yesterday was the season finale of NCIS.  (SVU freaks, move to the next paragraph).  It was excellent, there is really nothing more to say.  The action and suspense was nonstop and the character of the Port-to-Port killer Jonas Cobb was one of the best developed antagonists I’ve seen in a long time.  Despite the fact that he was a murderer and an assassin, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.  You also got to see a new side of Vance, especially when he stood up to SecNav and made him take responsibility for Cobb’s creation.  The final scene however was the best; Mike Franks’s funeral.  It was such a sad moment for everyone on the show and most of the fans watching, as he was one of the favorites among the recurring cast.  And as always they leave a mystery, but I won’t tell it here.  Watch the show.  (For aforementioned SVU freaks): WATCH THE DAMN SHOW!!

Now that that’s over, it’s time for me to tell you I’m a writer.  Yeah.  I know you knew that already, because I’m obviously writing this blog, but that’s not what I meant.  I write stories.  Short stories are really the only things I ever finish, though I do attempt novels from time to time, and occasionally I’ll post a sample here probably if there’s nothing interesting to post about.  Antagonists are my specialty, and often they’re my favorite characters (If you’ll remember what I said in the previous paragraph).  In most stories antagonists are so underdeveloped it should be a crime, so I try to make up for it.  Currently the one I’m using is a Asian crime lord by the name of Cái Li who also runs a ring of street racers in a fictional city.  The novel is called Speed Trap.  (Note: this was inspired and the location is loosely based on the world in Need for Speed: Undercover.  Yeah.  I’m a geek.  I know that already).  Anyways, maybe I’ll post a segment sometime.

Sorry if I’m boring you by now, which is probably a guarantee.  Short and sweet is how I’d like to keep it, instead of 5 paragraphs every two months on my old blog (which, by the way, is deleted.  So don’t go looking for it).  I’ll leave you with one last thing, something I’ll do in addition to the occasional Hot Link.


This is called City of Delusion, by Muse.  Listen to it.  Enjoy it.  Goodnight.

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