Well today was an early dismissal which is always good, even when the tradeoff is a two-hour standardized testing session. Come on Pennsylvania, stop cutting everything and laying off teachers… instead cut the funding for standardized tests. They’re useless and a waste of time, and one of the myriad of reasons we Americans are so illiterate compared to the rest of the developed world? Do you know why India has so many honor students? BECAUSE THEY TEACH THEM!
Alright. Rant over. You can read safely now. Wednesday came and went without much of a buffet, Wednesdays are rarely ever that bad. It’s the midweek lull, school settles into a boring monotony and there’s nothing to do at home as you see the weekend on the calendar, closer than Monday but still a long way from Friday. Wednesdays tend to make people a little lifeless and free-wheeling, and they tend to make mistakes for often. Yeah, I know I sound like your horoscope, but I can’t help it. Maybe today’s song will help explain it a little better.
Summer really crept up on us this year didn’t it? Everyone’s telling me there’s only ten days left of school and I’m looking around like the sun just grew and eyeball. And it feels weird, but I almost don’t want to leave this year. Yeah, there’ve been some problems (most of which you’ll never know), but for some reason I have this feeling that half of the people I've met this year, most of the people I really like, will be all gone when I get back in September. It’s weird, but in a school of 3600, it’s not hard to imagine.
Well I’m done for today. Just time left to leave you with the song I found five minutes ago trawling YouTube. Judging by the video, it’s pretty old. But I think for good music time has no meaning. Am I right? (And the piano riff is one of the best I’ve ever heard)
Because In the End nothing matters. Nothing ever seems to matter…
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