Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday: Innocent vs. Guilty

Alright, now that Anthony is going to try to match me for daily blogging I think I need to at least try to step my game up a little.  For another week he’s going to have Summer Stage to rant about, and I have little to nothing.  Really, I’ve been surviving the summer on two paragraph filler posts that have pretty much nothing in terms of substance… so I’ll at least try to change that.

Let’s start with something that has gotten unreasonably popular for the last few weeks, the Casey Anthony trial.  I’ll admit, I had no idea what was going on until about five hours ago but since then I’ve read up (somewhat) on the facts and I think I understand what’s going on here.  What I don’t understand is how everyone from everywhere is so convinced that she was guilty that they’re still pleading for her head to roll after she was proven innocent.  Does proven innocent mean anything anymore?

Now forget that.  That was rhetorical.  I think she’s guilty.  Everyone but a certain twelve thinks that she’s guilty.  The only problem is that people are so bloodthirsty that they can’t realize that their opinion is not the final call.  The final call goes to the twelve randomly picked jurors, and in this instance those twelve jurors had a different opinion.  It doesn’t mean that they’re right.  It doesn’t mean that you’re right.  What it does mean is that everyone should stop fucking complaining about something that they don’t know for sure.  Did you see her murder that kid?  With you own eyes?  How about a camera?  I didn’t think so.  So for once actually think before blindly calling for someone to fry for a murder where the evidence seems just a little stark.

If that sounds heartless to you, as I’m sure it probably will, take it this way.  “Better ten guilty men go free than one innocent suffer.”  I believe this just as strongly as the stuff I posted last night, and I really don’t care what examples you throw at me.  In truth, I’d rather see the man who murdered a family member go free than for another to be sentenced to life or death when all that they had done was be in the wrong place and the wrong time.  Maybe you all should think about that next time you go about blindly accusing everyone in sight.



First off, all of you chickens get over the fact that this video is weird.  Watch past the first thirty seconds.  It’s an awesome song.  And really, this was written a while ago.  It’s still pretty true.  “If you can judge a wise man by the color of his skin, then mister you’re a better man than I.”  It’d be a better world if some people listened to more Aerosmith.  Goodnight conspirators, and remember… while you’re complaining about the judicial system, appreciate the fact you live in a place where you CAN complain about it. 

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