I’m sure that none of you care about your humble blog writer returning from the Poconos, but it does mean that I’ll be back every night at about eleven o’clock with a new post. And what’s better for my fiftieth post than a three-day mega-post that will leave your eyes bleeding for more?
We go to our grandparents’ house, which is pretty old and has a couple of pretty bad beds. I probably got the worst one in the house, and when I go to sleep tonight it will feel like total bliss. Still, I managed to get a good ten hours of sleep before we had to leave to go look at a house. That’s our hobby when we’re up there, we go look at houses every once in a while with the far-off idea that we may find one we can afford. We used to even have a condo down the shore, but that was sold a long time ago because it got too expensive.
Anyway the house we looked at wasn’t the greatest. It was really narrow and the bedrooms were about the size of one of those alcoves at school. Also, across the street there was this huge house with a bunch of ritzy windows… so you got to live across from the rich people too. The one great thing though, was the view. It was amazing. It overlooked this huge glen with a little cliff and a massive green where you could see deer walking around. There was also this Stonehenge-esque circle of trees at the edge of the grass, which by itself was pretty cool. To wake up with that outside your window every morning would be a pretty good compensation for the fact that your bedroom would fit in a matchbox.
As for the rest of that day, we pretty much stayed at the house. I tried and failed to connect to the internet, which let me on about once every hour and kicked me off within five minutes. We played a few games and watched a decently funny Disney-esque movie about animals who basically attack this one poor sap who tries to develop their land. Ken Jeong was in it; that was really what made it good. And of course I’ll do a song… but I’ll do a song for each day. So you’re getting three for the price of free.
Saturday was probably the hottest day of the weekend so we went down to the lake for a swim, thinking it was going to be nice and warm. In reality, it was freezing cold. Still I managed to swim out to the raft in the middle once despite the fact I haven’t swam in about a year, and even managed to make it back to shore without going under once even though I was burning more than if I’d run a mile. Swimming is exhausting. I have newfound respect for all swimmers; that is ten times harder than playing basketball. I don’t know how you do it…
Then while my allergies were having their revenge for the rest of the afternoon I watched some of the NCIS marathon (trying to forget the fact that it was also an SVU marathon), and started Little Brother. Now I’m about halfway through, and let me say that that is an amazing book. I can’t justify it in one blog post, or even several, so you should just go get it. Oh yeah… it’s also completely and legally free under the Creative Commons license… so here’s the link:
Believe me. It’s worth the fifty seconds.
Sunday it poured for almost the entire day, so my family engaged in probably the most cutthroat game of Monopoly you will ever find. My strategy has always been to buy up all the purples and light blues, you know the really cheap ones, and build hotels on them as quickly as I could. However that didn’t quite work this time, as my mom and sister made a minefield of $1000 hotels up the left side of the board. I ended up bankrupted. I hope that’s not an omen for my future…
Then after that we went out for some fireworks over Lake Harmony, which also gave me my current desktop background for my computer. The sunset itself was amazing over the lake, which made up for the fact that the fireworks were a little disappointing. They were still good… but nothing compared to some of the other shows I’ve seen. Also they had an awesome band (called Pocket Rocket out of Harrisburg) playing who, even after their equipment got soaked by the rain, managed to crank out an awesome show. Ever heard Poker Face played on acoustic guitar and sung by a guy (no jokes)? How about Sweet Child of Mine? Or even some Queen? Wonderwall? Summer of ‘69? Don’t Stop Believing? Anyway it was an amazing show and a great night. There was almost nothing that could have made it better…
This is (as I said) one of the songs they played, and I chose this one because it’s the one I’m sure you’ve never heard. It’s a great old song with some awesome guitar.
Now that was the end of my mountain adventure… but I’m not done yet!! I’ve still got Monday’s post coming up. Being 4th of July, expect some social commentary. So I won’t say goodnight just yet…
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