Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday: Leaving for the Poconos

I'm writing a little early tonight because in about an hour I'm leaving for the mountains.  Also, this will be an extremely short post because I'm still trying to fix my computer and I need a lot more time than I have.  So now that means I need to figure out what I'm going to write about tonight... and very quickly.

Alright, let's see about last night's episode of Mythbusters... the one way someone can talk about silence and not be a geek.  I'm serious, when every episode has at least one good explosion that can not be geeky.  And last night's was pretty good, as they were trying to blow holes through armor made completely of paper and see which position in the water would be best for your imminent survival... if say something underneath you were to explode.  The paper armor was actually pretty neat; it somehow managed to stop swords, arrows, and even an old eighteenth-century pistol as well as outperform steel armor.  The explosion thing... well just listen to the Navy and float on top of the water if there's an explosion about to go off underneath you.  You're twice as likely to survive floating instead of treading water.  Really though, the best part were the explosions.


I have not seen The Wrestler, and I probably never will.  But this song has grown on me since I heard it... and it pretty much reflects how I feel at the moment.  My computer is still pissing me off.  I'm not going to get any good rest next week.  But hey, I'm going up the Poconos and that fixes everything.  Goodnight, and don't miss me if I don't write.  I might not have any Internet.  For sure, I'll be back on Monday.

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