Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday: T - Minus Two Hours… on Monday

Alright, all you people without a Block 3 final SHUT UP!  Just SHUT UP!  I don’t care how you all had your last day today and I have to wake up at six o’clock on Monday to go take a damn Spanish final.  Cue voice: ‘Remember, Spanish hell is a real place-”  SHUT UP!!

Alright, now that that’s out of my system I can get on with the day’s post.  And that is really about how ridiculously easy that English final was.  Besides the fact that it was 110 questions long, that was basically a refresher test.  There was maybe one question that required even a shred of thought and that was because the wording was so bad.  Anyway, the essay took as long as the entire test, so that should give you an idea.  And I’m sorry if you found it hard… but this is my blog.  My space.  And the server is in America so technically I have freedom of speech... even though this is the Internet and you can really say anything you want.

Other than that there was nothing memorable about this day whatsoever, which brings up another problem with summer.  How am I supposed to keep this thing interesting over about eighty days of inactivity?  There’ll be a few vacation days, and then I’ll probably do some TV show commentary every once in a while… but other than that I’m going to need some help.


This was a request, and Anthony you had better listen to this one.  I’m telling you, this song is you to the very core.  It personifies you perfectly.  This is a testament to procrastinators everywhere, as well a happy reminder that I’m not one of them.  Goodnight, and I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer.

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