Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday: Yard Sale Art

Finally!  An interesting day!  And even though I’m sick as a sewer dog right now I’m going to make sure you hear all about it… it helps take my mind off of my Spanish final tomorrow and how I’m going to have to do it with a nose running like the Mississippi.

Alright, so first things first Anthony told me he was having a yard sale today, and being the cheap Catholic that I am I went.  Of course we ended up playing Brawl and Mario Kart on his Wii for more time than we spent outside, in what felt like ninety percent humidity on his old couches that they were trying to sell… Anyway he destroyed me at Brawl and I destroyed him at Mario Kart.  See Anthony?  I admitted that you beat me at something!  That should make you happy.  But anyway then I actually did buy something.  I got two books, one of which I read already and the other of which I was supposed to read back in 6th grade.  Also, I bought a pocketwatch.  Yeah.  A pocketwatch.  Don’t judge me, it’s actually pretty neat… and that’s besides the fact that I’ve always wanted one.  Now all I have to do is find a chain…

So then after sitting out there in his histamine-infested yard for an hour (which is now biting me in several different places), my family and I drove down to the Barnes House in Lower Merion where a guy named Dr. Albert Barnes collected hundreds of works of art.  However it’s not the art itself that’s amazing (though a lot of it is really cool), it’s the placement.  Dr. Barnes placed every painting and sculpture in a pattern of some sort, or in a way that would be symbolic.  My favorite part wasn’t the art itself though, it was the metal pieces hung on the walls in between and around the art.  They were organized in a weird sort of broken symmetry, where one side has just one minute difference from the other.  And being OCD, usually that kind of thing really annoys me, but here it was actually fascinating.  To think that someone actually took the time to collect all of those things and place them in that special way, wow.

Now that I’m done with my rambling, I think I said something about the Hunger Games movie a few weeks ago.  Since then they’ve cast Lenny Kravitz as Cinna, which is odd seeing as he has no acting experience whatsoever and that’s a pretty big role.  Still, he is a pretty famous musician so I decided to listen to some songs.  Turns out I recognized almost all of them, I just never knew this was him.  Anyway here’s one of them, which I guarantee you’ve heard at some point in your life.



I like it.  And like I said before, I’m actually starting to look forward to this movie.  Hopefully they can pull another Harry Potter and make a great movie out of a great book.  Now I will leave you in peace, more for my sake then for yours.  And just so all of you that DON’T have a final tomorrow know… I hate you with all that is left of my coughing, sneezing heart.

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