Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday: Pure, Epic Laziness

See?  Didn’t I say that it’s completely impossible for me to have THREE interesting days in a row?  Huh?  That’s what I thought.  Now treat yourselves to a hopefully short, perfectly normal post by an obsessed geek who just got his hands on Portal 2 and didn’t really have time for much else today.

So, in keeping with that theme, you already know I got Portal 2.  And even though I probably already told you to buy it… I will say it again.  Buy the damn video game.  I swear, even if you’re a football player with ripped muscles, a supermodel girlfriend, and a Mustang with unlimited gas you will still waste countless hours playing this game.  This is actual mental-stimulation without the ‘I-want-to-die’ effect of a year of school… you won’t even know it’s happening as you twist time (not exactly) and space.  Also, this is worth more laughs than a yearlong marathon of South Park, Family Guy, and bad Disney movies combined… I mean this video game… I can’t even explain how it somehow manages to choke out a laugh every time you expressively DON’T expect one.  You’re going along on a perfectly mediocre level, then the computer says something ridiculously funny out of the blue and cue you laughing your ass off in front of the monitor. 

Okay, I’m done.  Promise.  That’s enough geeking out for the day… although I will probably do it again tomorrow.  So be prepared.

Now, besides Ranier and I wasting about an hour unsuccessfully trying to play Half-Life on multiplayer… today was rather boring.  Which leaves a perfect opening for this little link:

And this one:

I am never going to post a link to the novel I’m trying to write on facebook, but the people who inexplicably care enough to come here via facebook every day may enjoy some more writing.  Seriously, I’m happy that people read this… but sometimes I do wonder why.  My life definitely isn’t that interesting.  But anyway, I promise the novel is much more interesting than this blog, so you should DEFINITELY click on it and read.  And Anthony, that means you.  Incidentally, the novel is the first link.  The second link leads to a narrative poem I wrote kind of on a whim last night, which already has four good reviews.  It’s quite a bit shorter than the novel… so you might find it more economical to check it out.  Now onto the song.



Epic Owl City.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  Enjoy my hypnotized readers, and goodnight.

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