Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday: Card Games

I apologize to the two people who read this blog for the weekend posts, I know how boring my music critiques are and I honestly had nothing else to write about.  It was a slow weekend.

Then of course today picked up a little, as Mondays tend to do (another reason Mondays are better than Tuesdays), as this was our school’s first ever Freshmen Fun Day.  Which is awesome, because while the seniors are sitting in a ninety degree school in dress code we’re running around on the baseball field in t-shirts and shorts.  The only problem with that was the fact that, when they started the barbecue, they didn’t consider the fact that one grill doesn’t quite cut it for a class of 900.  I mean… really??

But before we were outside we sat for about an hour in the auditorium to watch what my Chorus teacher likes to call an un-talent show.  And yeah, there were some acts that wouldn’t have cut it in American Idol auditions (though, as one of my friends said, the only reason he watches Idol is for the terrible people).  And then there were a few that were just great.  My friend from middle school who does the best Michael Jackson dance outside of the real thing.  A dance crew called ‘Swag’, which was exactly what they brought.  And then there was Mel, who as always was incredible.  Then of course they interjected a little humor into the end of the show, with a faculty band coming out and playing Firework while managing to sound like THEY belonged on American Idol (or whatever show takes bands), and another nameless song where the freshmen principal came out and delivered a scarily good rap.  This is a guy who constantly jokes about how he could do everything better than all of us… well he definitely can rap.

Now out on the baseball field, after getting our ridiculously small burgers and flavorless (but somehow still delicious) Sun Chips, a bunch of friends and I pulled out a deck of cards and played War on the back of our backpacks.  Now since War is completely a game of luck, I can’t brag about winning…  And then another group of friends pulled out another deck of cards and began to play a hilarious card game called Mao (  And the reason I’m linking you to the Wikipedia page is that I can’t talk about the rules.  Or one of my friends may morph into Mao himself and dish out some punishment I can’t really imagine.  Oh, and this one I CAN brag about winning… at least one round.

And then, of course I decided to sign up for the 100 meter dash, which for some reason came AFTER all of the other events when any energy I’d had left from the rest of the day had dissolved in the heat.  At least I didn’t come in last.  I think I was about seventh.  Out of ten.  Not bad when all of the others are athletes and you’re a geek with a Timex watch and glasses.

There.  I didn’t go on and on about a song today, and I hope you’re grateful.  But I can’t leave without one, so here it is.



I guarantee you’ve heard this already, but until I can find some good new stuff I’ll keep putting out some old favorites.  And by the way, it’s pretty obvious the few people who say that Bruno Mars is a fake have obviously never listened to his music.  What I mean is that he sounds amazing without all the autotune that the other trash needs to make their voices more than eighty-year-old smoker’s coughs.  And yes Lil Wayne, I am talking to you.  Sayonara until tomorrow, when I hope I have a better rhyme that that.

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