Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday: Beginning of the End

Even though the title probably sounds a little morbid today, all it means is that school ends in less than a week.  And this year was weird because, every year around this time, everyone is really hyper and excited for summer.  And I’m not saying that everyone isn’t, it’s just less pronounced than it always used to be… maybe it’s because summer really crept up on us this year; it seems like January was last month and we still have ten months to go until Christmas.  And again, I think I’ve said this before, but I’m not as psyched about leaving this year.  I’m actually enjoying high school… as a freshman!  Oh well, at least that gives high hopes for being sophomore.

And then maybe the other reason it because to reach the oasis of summer we have to travel though the underworld of finals lying in wait up ahead.  Math and Biology are in less than forty-eight hours, something I’m not incredibly pleased with because I’m seriously not ready.  English is a little better, and I have an extra day.  And then the hardest one of all, Spanish, is waiting until after the weekend (and due to our schedule, after two thirds of the school is done with the year), with its devilish listening exams from the 90s where the most you can ever hear is a garbled ‘¡Si!’.  And just to prepare us, the teachers each gave us a hefty packet full of pretty much the year’s worth of work.  At least I beat Half-Life last night, so I have nothing left to distract me from studying… that is if I ever manage to get over my goldfish-like attention-span and actually pick up a book.  In other news I got the Driver’s Manual all printed out, so in three months and change I will be roaming the streets with a licensed adult in the passenger seat and no more passengers than the number of seat belts.  See, I’m already getting it down!

And now that my one friend, who is probably one of the few (if there are a few) consistent readers of this blog, has told me that he doesn’t like Bruno Mars because he has no other songs besides ‘Just the Way You Are.’  So thanks to him I will be doing nonstop Bruno Mars for the rest of the week.



And sorry about the YouTube embedding thing, just click the link and watch it there.  It’s obviously good enough that I would put it there with the problem, so just your mouse five inches and click.  Now goodnight internet-zombies, I have work to do.

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