Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday: Technical Difficulties

Of course after two days of heightened greatness, the third has no chance of being as good.  Still, today was looking up when I saw a racing game I really wanted on sale for $2.50, so I went ahead and bought it.  It took two hours to download, which by then I was itching to play it.  And then I spend the next five hours, completely wasting my Saturday, to try to fix the myriad of possible problems that could have caused it to not load.  Now finally I see the little text at the bottom (does not work on laptops).  I mean DOES THAT HAVE TO BE IN THE FINE PRINT?  REALLY?  But whatever, it was just a Saturday.  But it could have been such a GOOD Saturday partly because of that and partly because of the new song I discovered today (which is predictably coming later).  Oh well… at least I still have my awesome game from 1998…

Now I’m going to post the song early today because I’m probably going to talk about music for the rest of the post, and that just seems appropriate.



Although the title isn’t the greatest I’ve ever heard, Coldplay has never been known for their naming abilities.  I’m still not sure what Clocks has to do with Clocks, and an album called X&Y doesn’t really get casual onlookers interested.  But that pales due to the fact that nearly every song Coldplay makes is great in some way or another.  Yellow was their first hit, and it is probably my favorite love song of all time.  I’m serious, I may propose during that song if the moment is right.  Clocks (while having a strange name) manages to do so much with about six notes that repeat for about five minutes and is easily one of their best ever.  Speed of Sound takes Clocks down an octave or so, and becomes a great song in its own right.  God Put a Smile Upon Your Face is so enigmatic that I’m still not sure what it means, yet I still love it.  Viva la Vida was what first got me to listen to Coldplay, as it probably did to a lot of others, and has got to be one of the best songs of the last decade.  Violet Hill, which often sits in the shadow of Viva la Vida, is equally as good as well as being incredibly haunting, kind of an opposing force to Yellow (as well as being another song I’ll probably post on here at some point).  Rounding out the bunch is the only completely instrumental song that I’ve ever really loved, as well as being the best song you’ve never heard of, is the opener to the Viva la Vida album: Life in Technicolor.  That song was so great that it inspired an entire story, and that’s in about two minutes with no vocals.  Coldplay is amazing.

So with that I say goodnight, mainly because I’m too tired from my ordeal with technology today to go on Google Translate and find a good ending in another language.  And in that sentence I just realized how much I depend on technology.  Well, a fitting end to a Saturday that never really got off to a good start.  ¡Buenos noches amigos, y ve por las fantasmas!

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