Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday: Holes

I was worried that I wouldn’t have anything to write about today, but as always it worked itself out in the form of a movie I watched probably five years ago.  I’m pretty sure everyone has seen Holes, and most of the people who I asked said that they liked it.  Now, that by itself proves my point that it is possible to like a movie that stars Shia LaBeouf… made even better because Holes was the DEBUT of Shia LaBeouf.  And really, people, what is so bad about Shia LaBeouf?  I like the guy, he’s a decent actor and just gets a really bad rap for some reason or other.  But anyway I was talking about Holes, which was probably so good because the storyline was convoluted almost to the point of cheesiness… yet everything just worked.  Everything fits together like a perfect puzzle and nothing is left out.  Besides the fact that it has John Voight, who is awesome, Tim Blake Nelson, who is also awesome, and Sigourney Weaver, who is thirdly awesome.  Did I mention they’re the bad guys?  And then don’t get me started on the lizards…

Ok, I’ve actually watched two movies today and the other one deserves mention too.  Spaceballs as a name definitely gives high expectations, and this movie is pretty damn funny.  The only thing is that you have to watch Star Wars first to get it… so Anthony don’t even think about it.

Other than that this was a slow day, so I’ll wrap it up.


Bruno Mars Mania is over, as Anthony finally listened to The Lazy Song.  So enjoy some Weird Al, and for your information, all you people saying it’s summer… the last time I checked summer begins on June 21st.  Sayonara.

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